Christ Church monumental inscriptions

Inscriptions with year of birth of 1903

Name Died Born Age Grave
Bright, Reginald Ernest 05/11/1903 1903 0 A6
Collington, Ada Selina 13/06/1991 1903 88 C52
Jones, Beatrice Evelyn 1989 1903 86 C104
Kelly, Richard 13/03/1976 1903 73 C65
Lane, Isaac 15/10/1989 15/06/1903 86 C108
Phillips, Elsie Winifred 27/05/1967 1903 64 C75
Pritchard, Gladys 1989 1903 86 D9
Vaughan, William Pembridge 26/04/1933 15/08/1903 29 A154
Wilkinson, Frederick Alexander 30/06/1947 1903 44 B25
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