Llanwenarth Baptist Chapel monumental inscriptions

Inscriptions with year of birth of 1839

Name Died Born Age Grave
Daniel, Ciscelia 28/5/1848 1839 9 D27
Evans, Elizabeth 10/5/1860 1839 21 E32
Hill, William 15/09/1916 1839 77 E57
Jordan, James Jenkyn 25/10/1928 11/12/1839 89 E89
Pritchard, John 16/11/1855 1839 16 E46
Steele, Mary 23/6/1842 1839 3 E9
Watkins, Susannah Jane 10/08/1921 1839 82 E15
Williams, John 15/07/1905 1839 66 D44
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