1891 census records

Records with last name 'Roberts'

Name Age Position Status House
Roberts, Emma 48 years Wife Married 1 Nr Prince of Wales
Roberts, Fred 2 years Son Single 6 Upper Rank (includes 7 and 8b)
Roberts, Jane A 3 years Daughter Single 6 Upper Rank (includes 7 and 8b)
Roberts, John 22 years Son Single 1 Nr Prince of Wales
Roberts, Mark 48 years Head Married 1 Nr Prince of Wales
Roberts, Robert 34 years Head Married 6 Upper Rank (includes 7 and 8b)
Roberts, Ruth 27 years Wife Married 6 Upper Rank (includes 7 and 8b)
Roberts, Sarah 14 years Daughter Single 1 Nr Prince of Wales
Roberts, Walter 6 years Son Single 6 Upper Rank (includes 7 and 8b)
Roberts, William 19 years Son Single 1 Nr Prince of Wales
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