1891 census records

Records at 'Chapel Row'

Name Age Position Status House
1 Chapel Row
Davies, John 18 years Son Single 1 Chapel Row
Davies, Joseph 62 years Head Married 1 Chapel Row
Davies, Mary 58 years Wife Married 1 Chapel Row
Davies, Mary 20 years Daughter Single 1 Chapel Row
Davies, Owen 22 years Son Single 1 Chapel Row
Norman, Owen 3 years Grandson Single 1 Chapel Row
2 Chapel Row
Lewis, Gertrude 11 months Daughter Single 2 Chapel Row
Lewis, Mary E 25 years Wife Married 2 Chapel Row
Lewis, Walter 4 years Son Single 2 Chapel Row
Lewis, William H 28 years Head Married 2 Chapel Row
3 Chapel Row
Taylor, Hannah 61 years Head Widow 3 Chapel Row
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