1871 census records

Records with birth place 'Llanover Upper'

Name Age Position Status House
Barrett, Charles 8 months Son 2 Pwll y wath
Barrett, Emily 2 years Daughter 2 Pwll y wath
Evans, David 14 years Son 2 Old Tumble
Evans, William 41 years Head Married 2 Old Tumble
James, Isaac 68 years Uncle Unmarried 1 White House
Powell, Ann 16 years Stepdau Unmarried 11 Garndyrris
Powell, Henry 18 years Stepson Unmarried 11 Garndyrris
Powell, Sarah 14 years Stepdau 11 Garndyrris
Powell, Willaim 6 years Stepson 11 Garndyrris
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