1841 census records

Records with last name 'Robins'

Name Age House
Robins, Amelia 15 years 1 Cottages on Cwm Road side
Robins, Ann 40 years 52 Garnddyrys
Robins, Edwin 1 year 52 Garnddyrys
Robins, Emeley 25 years 44 Garnddyrys
Robins, Emeley 2 years 44 Garnddyrys
Robins, George 25 years 52 Garnddyrys
Robins, Grace 50 years 1 Cottages on Cwm Road side
Robins, Joseph 60 years 1 Cottages on Cwm Road side
Robins, William 25 years 44 Garnddyrys
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